
14_WoWoWoWo_Calling Nature (Engagement).jpg
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13_WoWoWoWo_Johnson.Keogh (Engagement).jpg
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 WoWoWoWo, March 2011 to Present  The idea for this project began when an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011. This struck a chord for me on what it meant —  To live  To be an artist  To be a woman  To recognize art  To recognize co

WoWoWoWo, March 2011 to Present

The idea for this project began when an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011. This struck a chord for me on what it meant —

To live

To be an artist

To be a woman

To recognize art

To recognize conceptual beauty

About our lightness of being

I began to think about the amazing women in my life, the importance of my immediate community, and the support of fellow artists.

“WoWoWoWo I” is the pilot.

In 2011 I invited a handful of female colleagues to partake in a shoot. These women, I believe provided great service in one form or another to our community through their art (fine artist, musician, performer, writer, thinker/mover/shaker).

Some of the women were new acquaintances and some were like ol’ kin. The shoot itself was a way to bring these women from different circles together to capture a shared moment in time through photography.

Rules for the shoot: Arrive with any outfits: Costumes and props you feel comfortable in/with and experiment. Be silly, be smart, be sultry if you’d like. Be you.

What came out of the project: Free form fun.

In 2012 photos were finalized and a blog was developed to display the images.

WoWoWoWo: Part II — During the planning for Part I, I expanded the invitation by conducting a survey among 190 women in the greater Portland community. My inquiry: Women of Portland, who inspires you? I received great response which has unfolded new dialogue.

WoWoWoWo III — Continue developing work through sculptures, shoots, and discussions.


The events are not meant to be inclusive/exclusive.

In hopes, from these gatherings, the events bring the women together to develop new connections, new circles and to spur future community engagements, correspondences of inspiration, and creativity among their communities.

To Activate.

To Engage.

I look forward to the expansion and continued development.

More to come.


Wo Wo Wo Wo : Part I


Wo Wo Wo Wo : Part I Outtakes

Thank You, friends — Women of Portland, all eighteen of you

Midori Hirose

WoWoWoWo : Part I Participants

Dana Dart McLean, Meg Peterson, Barbara Kinzle, Jen Olsen, Maryam Troncelliti, Jaclyn Campanaro, Eliza Sohn, Sarah Johnson, May Barruel, Corrina Repp, Kathleen Keogh, Anna Weber, Kathy Foster, Ashby Lee Collinson, Sarah Meadows, Brenna Murphy, Morgan Ritter, Megan Dutra, Midori Hirose. And thank you Judah Switzer for helping with the photography & Carlos Carbonell with web assistance!

*** Wo is one of the letters in the Japanese alphabet. Wa Wi Wu We Wo. I found it also created a deep primal whooshing sound and when repeated it became a bellowing meditative chant.

           The Violet ~   In thought  In memories  In love

The Violet ~

In thought

In memories

In love

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