Trash Hackers Collective, founding member, art educator and maker (2019-2023.) R&D process involves creating/modifying equipment, harvest, clean, recycle, shred, reshape plastic. Conduct tests and safety modifications/protocols.
Shredded plastic straws received from a business that stopped using straws to create objects
Girl Scouts of Oregon & SW Washington STEM Day, Nov 2021 in Salem, Oregon
Photographed and created cards
Living School of Art visits Trash Hackers :)
Jean remnants sourced from local vintage shop’s waste stream to create beach clean-up bags for a free workshop during Sou’Wester Arts Week Residency
Modified oven and laser-etched at the PCC FabLab
Plastic Vision mobile making workshop at Spaceness
Prior to Trash Hackers, I started a collective that went by Plastic Vision Art Collective (PVAC) and Mixed Needs Plastic (MNP) (2017-2019) with the focus on learning about plastic and sharing information through community outreach. Trash Hackers Collective (THC) (2019-2023) has since evolved into an R&D Laboratory; a collective of artists, technologists, engineers, designers, and educators committed to responsible DIY plastic recycling, education, documentation and creating/working with user-friendly tools.
A set of cabinetry knobs (shown in beta-mode)
@trashhackers shredder/extruder system.
Btw, BioWare isn’t necessarily biodegradable
Recycled PP made with a custom-built 3D printer by Trash Hackers member, Darcy Neal.
Our collective transforms discarded plastic into new, everyday products through grassroots education, community empowerment, and user-friendly tools.