Misc Sculptures
2000, wood, mirror and paint, PDX Contemporary Art Gallery, 2008. Gouache painted on the underbelly of the pyramid is base it on the revamped USDA food pyramid. The image is reflected by a mirror that’s attached to the pedestal showing you are what you eat. How does one maintain a 2000 calorie intake?
Tiffany's Friend Stephanie, wood, mirror, lights and paint, Beppu Wiarda Gallery, 2008. Built a box, miniature pallets and finished in powder blue based on the classic Tiffany & Co’s signature blue box. Mirrors inspired from Chanel's mirrored staircase. A chandelier balances on pallets in the mirrored space. What’s up with, Stephanie? Possibly disheveled or enjoys living on the brink.
BBall for Josh Berger, 2013. Friend, Josh Berger of Plazm, was in a bike accident. A fundraising event was held at PICA in support to help him with his medical bills. Made variations for Josh's event and delivered the following:
I. Bà Bla, a sculpture wall hanging for Josh, Tiffany and family <3
II. Court, 2D ink drawing mounted on wood w/hanger for the patron
(One of Josh's favorites — Shootin hoops with friends over the years)
Untitled Polyhedrons, plaster, archival board, wood, paint, mirror and sisal rope, dimensions vary, exhibited at Fontanelle, 2009.
via PORT: portlandart.net/archives/2009/12/2009_port_reade.html
Smell the Glove
Created a version of the “never shown” Spinal Tap album cover for CO Exhibitions in Minneapolis, MN.
Pwdre Ser Series